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"A Light in the Darkness: Women's Study

“A Light in the Darkness” Week 3

By September 25th, 2023No Comments
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Week 3 Message


“Remember His Word”
2 Peter 1:10-15

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and
election sure, for is you do these things you will never stumble.”

-2 Peter 1:10

1. Describe a time when you questioned your salvation.

2. What are the “things” that Peter is referring to in verse 10?

3. What do you think an abundant entrance into the kingdom means?

4. How does being fruitful in your faith differ from works?

5. Where does our Assurance of Salvation come from?

6. What do “these things” protect us from?

7. Why is it important to be in God’s Word daily?

8. What do you think Peter means by “stirring you up?”

9. If you knew your life was nearing the end, what would be your final instructions to your loved ones?
