Proverbs: The Power of Words (Smarter Living)


1. What are the top three positive things that have been said to you that you will never forget?




2. What are some negative things that have been said to you that you will never forget?




3. What is your favorite quotation?




4. What are some of the reasons why certain people talk a lot?




5. What are some of the reasons why certain people don’t talk very much?




6. Who will you intentionally give some positive words to this week?




Proverbs: The Word of God (Smarter Living)


1. What are some of the things that keep people from reading God’s Word?




2. How have you benefited personally from what you have learned from the Bible?




3. How has the Bible helped you find good?




4. What instruction from the Bible are you currently trying to implement in your life?




Proverbs: Pride & Humility (Smarter Living)


1. What are some things that you used to believe you were right about but now realize you were wrong?




2. What makes us want to believe we are superior to others?




3. Who has been an example of humility to you personally? Describe how they demonstrated humility?




4. Why are we so obsessed with being right and threatened by being wrong?




5. What is your favorite story that demonstrates the humility of Jesus?




Proverbs: Temptation (Smarter Living)


1. Why do you think we are so susceptible to temptation?




2. What do you think gets most people in trouble- the world, the flesh or the devil?




3. Are you attacked more in your areas of strength or weakness?




4. How does the Bible help to arm us against temptation?




Proverbs: Kindness and Equality (Smarter Living)


1. What are some of the ways people make you feel inferior?




2. Who has exemplified for you how to treat people as equals?




3. What makes people want to establish pecking orders?




Proverbs: Getting Good Advice (Smarter Living)


1. Who are your three best sources of advice?




2. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?




3. What is the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?




4. How does it make you feel when someone asks for your advice?




Proverbs: A Father’s Inheritance (Smarter Living)


1. What are the best things you got from your dad?




2. What men in your life have served as father figures for you and what did they give you?




3. What kind of an inheritance do you want to leave?




Proverbs: Correction (Smarter Living)


1. What negative feelings do you have when you think about being corrected?




2. What is the most loving correction you’ve ever received?




3. What is the worst correction that has ever been directed toward you?




4. What correction should you perhaps be offering more?




5. What correction should you perhaps be offering less?




Proverbs: Guidance For Life (Smarter Living)


1. Share with your group a time when you really needed to trust in the Lord.




2. Is it easy or difficult for you to trust in the Lord?




3. Share with your group a time in your life when not leaning on your own understanding was really difficult.




4. Do you look at God’s guidance as a ongoing process?




5. If someone is struggling with their faith and trust in God, what small steps can they take to help them overcome those obstacles and grow in their faith and trust?




Proverbs: Things The Lord Hates (Smarter Living)


1. Did you get surprised by the things on the Lord’s list? What surprised you the most?




2. What are some things you hate?




3.  Why is it important to protect our heart?




4. Share with the group the last time you were tempted to lie, but you told the truth. How did you feel afterwards?




5. How often are you tempted to compromise your character? What happens when you give in to that temptation?