Hebrews 11:30-40
Everyday Heroes (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. Take a moment to browse over the characters in Hebrews 11.  Which of these characters can you most relate to and why?



  1. In what ways does Jesus give us something better in our faith than what the characters of the Old Testament had?



  1. What have you endured because of your faith?



  1. If you knew you could change one thing in this world by your faith, what would it be?



  1. In light of Hebrews 11, how can your faith greater change how you are living your life?



Revelation 3:14-22: The Church of the Laodicea (The Seven Churches)

  1. What causes people to lose their passion in life?



  1. Why do we often pretend we are fine when we really aren’t?



  1. What do you try to get from people that you should really be getting from God?



  1. What does fellowshipping with Jesus look like for you?



Revelation 3:7-13: The Church of the Word (The Seven Churches)

  1. Why do you think Jesus didn’t say anything critical about the Church of Philadelphia?



  1. What are some of the things that churches often substitute for the Word?



  1. In what ways can we adopt methodology that misrepresents the character of Jesus?



  1. What doors have been opened for you?



  1. Why is “a little strength” actually a blessing?



Revelation 2:18-29: Image and Ministry (The Seven Churches) 

  1. What makes Christians want to imitate the idolatry of the world?
  1. How can a culture of idolatry create a distance between people and God?
  1. Do we act like pride is the worst of all sins?
  1. Why do you think the working class people of Thyatira were susceptible to the pitch of this Jezebel?
  1. What would “Jezebel’s” defense be to these charges?

Hebrews 11:23-29
Moses and Faith in the Face of Risk (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?



  1. Why do you think we struggle with trusting God fully when He calls us to do something?



  1. What would your life look like without fear influencing your decisions?



  1. How does comfort hold us back from stepping out in faith?



  1. What are ways that we can “see him who is invisible” (v.27) working in your lives?



Revelation 2:12-17: The World in the Church (The Seven Churches) 

  1. Why do you think the first century church was growing so slowly?
  2. Why do you suspect the modern church today is decreasing in overall attendance?
  3. Why has the church in the Western world experienced so little persecution over the last 200 years compared with the church in Asia, Africa and the Middle East?
  4. If the church in America began to experience more persecution over the next ten years, what might the causes be?
  5. What do you think Jesus feels about modern entertainment in His name, with Him as the product?

Revelation 2:8-11: Smyrna, The Suffering Church (The Seven Churches) 

  1. Does this message to the church in Smyrna sound very encouraging to you? Why or why not?

  1. In what ways are Christians today drawn to a strategic alliance with government? What are the dangers?

  1. Does the persecuted church in other parts of the world occupy much of your attention? Why?

  1. Why do people see death as such a negative thing?

Revelation 2:1-7 Ephesus and First Love (The Seven Churches) 

  1. What are the benefits and detriments of having a church in a place that’s known for immorality?
  1. Why do you think Christians who really emphasize the truth might have a harder time being loving?
  1. What memories do you have that bring you closer to a loving mindset?
  1. How hard is it to love people while hating what they do?

Hebrews 11:20-22
People of Hope and Blessing (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is the greatest blessing (besides salvation) that you have ever received?



  1. In what ways does looking at your future without God lead to fearful living?



  1. How does your faith affect you in the face of death?



  1. In what ways can you bless others in your life?



2 Samuel 24 (Kingdom Building)

  1. How do you decide when enough is enough? What boundaries do you draw in your life?

  1. Have you ever suffered because of bad leadership? Have others ever suffered because of your poor leadership?

  1. Why is the idea of sacrifice such a big thing to God?

  1. What do you think makes people so cheap toward God?