2 Samuel 21 (Kingdom Building)

  1. Have you ever had things happen in your life that seemed horrible at the time but you realize now that they were beneficial?



  1. Have you ever had God lead you to do something that most people thought was wrong?



  1. What are some of the greatest ethical dilemmas you’ve faced?



  1. Do you have any loose ends you should probably be tying up in your life?



2 Samuel 20 (Kingdom Building)

  1. Have you ever struggled to find your place in the world?



  1. Have you ever had an opportunity to be promoted beyond your level of giftedness?



  1. Why is it so much easier to criticize the job others are doing rather than to do something yourself?



  1. When do you feel most like you are in your wheelhouse?



  1. Why does God seem to prefer using flawed people?



Hebrews 11:13-16
There’s No Place Like Home (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is your greatest memory of home?



  1. What is your most difficult memory of home?



  1. What is our future hope as Christians, and how does that change our present?



  1. What area of your life is the most difficult to trust God in?



  1. How should your perspective change if you are looking for a “heavenly homeland”?



2 Samuel 19 (Kingdom Building)

  1. Have there ever been times in your life when you hit a dead end? What did you do to reset?



  1. How would you describe Joab’s role with David? Why did David fire him?



  1. How do friends affect your ability to recover after a time of loss and isolation?



  1. Is it hard for you to put past offenses behind you?



  1. What role does thanksgiving play in recovery?