1 Samuel 22: Wilderness Survival (Kingdom Building)

1.Who have you needed to forgive in order to move forward with your life?




2.In what ways have you honored your parents? What made that difficult?




3.What does your wilderness survival team look like?




4.What painful situation has made you stronger?




5.In what sense do you currently live in the wilderness?

1 Samuel 21: The Spirit of the Law (Kingdom Building)

1.Have there been times when you broke a rule but knew that God wanted you to do it?




2.If you were going to sum up the heart of Saul versus the heart of David in one sentence what would it be?




3.Do you think the choices David made in this chapter were the best choices, under the circumstances? If not, what should he have done differently?




4.How do you guard your own heart?





1 Samuel 20: That’s What Friends Are For (Kingdom Building)

1.If you grew up in a dysfunctional environment, who helped you stay grounded?




2Who helps you see past your blind spots?




3.When did someone have your back when you needed it most?




4.Do you think Jonathan should’ve just bailed on his dad and teamed up with David? What are positive and negative arguments for that choice?




5.What does Jesus being your friend mean to you?

1 Samuel 19: The Ultimate Dysfunctional Family (Kingdom Building)

1.How much dysfunction was there in your family growing up?




2.What family do you know that really seems to exemplify healthy function?




3.Have you ever found yourself enabling someone?




4.What helps you create more healthy interactions with others in your life?




5.Are you more likely to be like Saul or like his enablers?

1 Samuel 18: When Others Succeed (Kingdom Building)

1.When has someone else’s success bugged you? How did you handle it?




2.Have you ever let jealousy make you irrational?




3.What have you had a hard time accepting, once it happened?




4.How have you celebrated the success of others?




5.What makes you feel over-the-hill?