Matthew 23:1-12 The Way of Greatness (Special Services)

1. Who is the greatest person you have personally known?




2. When do you often feel the least appreciated or valued?




3.  In what ways can being a servant of others make your life better?




4. Read Philippians 2:5-11 together.  What can we learn of how Jesus displays greatness?




1 Kings 3 Father’s Day 2020 (Special Services)

1. What comes into your mind when you think of “father?




2. Is Father’s Day special to you? Why or why not?




3. How might you have shown more mercy toward your father?




4. Of the three fatherly qualities Solomon mentions, (stability, fixing things, straight heart for God), who has demonstrated each of these qualities in your life?




Daniel 12:1-43 A Life That Shines (Daniel)

1. What was the process that brought you into a relationship with Jesus?




2. What have been the most momentous events that have happened in the world in your lifetime? How have those events helped define your Christian life?




3. Who in your life really shines?




4. Who are you looking forward to seeing in heaven?




Daniel 11:1-45 What Matters in the End (Daniel)

1. Why did God give Daniel such detailed predictions of a future he would never see?




2. In what ways are governments today a lot like these kingdoms who are now gone?




3. How should we balance our heavenly citizenship with our earthly citizenship?




4. What needs to happen for us to avoid the self destructiveness of national division?