Daniel 10:1-21 Daniel’s and the Spiritual Battle (Daniel)

1. What negative voices still remain in your head?




2. What positive voices led you to truth?




3. What are your toughest spiritual battles?




4. What lies is God wrestling against in your life?




5. What truths drive you forward?

Daniel 8:1-27 Daniel’s Vision of Power (Daniel)

1. Where do you see people being manipulated and controlled by a clever use of power?




2. Who do you see squandering giftedness in exchange for personal ambition?




3. How are you affected when you see biblical prophecy that has already been fulfilled?




4. What do you see happening in the world over the next 20 years if Jesus delays His coming that long?





Genesis 3: Mother’s Day 2020

1. What positive influence did your Mom and Grandma have in your life?




2. What drove you crazy about your Mom?




3. Do you think Moms today are being pulled away from being life-givers?




4. Why do you think sin entered the world through Adam and not Eve? What was the difference between their sins and what does that tell us about ours?





Daniel 7:1-28 Daniel’s Dream of the Four Beasts (Daniel)

1. Why do you think God gave Daniel this prophecy, so long before it would take place?




2. What is your greatest takeaway from this prophecy?




3. In what ways do many world leaders today resemble the evil world leader described here? In what ways are they different?




4. What is the best thing about the ultimate rule of the Messiah?