I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Comfort of His Coming P1 (Waiting For Jesus)

1. What is the hardest loss you’ve ever had to deal with in your life?




2. When you’ve mourned a loss you experienced, who or what helped?




3. What are some of the dumb things people have said to you in trying to comfort you?




4. How would you describe what comfort feels like?





I Thessalonians 4:1-12 A Healthy Life (Waiting For Jesus)

1. What led you to your understanding of your personal worth as a child, both good and bad?




2. Why do we try to shame people and throw stones at them when they sin? How is that counterproductive?




3. What noise do you need to calm down in your life?




4. Have you ever had an experience where your lack of significance was liberating?





I Thessalonians 3:1-13 Paul’s Concern For The Church (Waiting For Jesus)

1. When you get to heaven who are the first five people you’ll want to see?




2. Who would you give your life for today?




3. Who has hung in there for you the longest?




4. Who constitutes your “Us” circle, where you won’t give up on each other?





I Thessalonians 2:1-20 A Healthy Church Leader (Waiting For Jesus)

1. Have you ever been led astray by a narcissistic leader? What attracted you to them?




2. Who are the spiritual leaders who have inspired you and what was it about them that helped you?




3. Who are you trying to lead and inspire?




4. Who has been influenced by you who makes you proud?