Ecclesiastes 8: Dealing with Power (The Meaning of Life)

1. What has been the hardest part of your life in which you’ve had to accept someone else’s power?




2. How is the government affecting your life in a detrimental way? How do you respond?




3. Who has to adjust to you?




4. If God gave you the power to make one decision for Him, what would you choose?




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Ecclesiastes 7: Joy-Stealing Traps (The Meaning of Life)

1. Which verses in chapter 7 remind you of traps you fallen into, robbing you of joy and contentment?




2. What makes these traps so attractive?




3. How can we find better balance in our lives in these areas?




4. Which of the 10 traps in this chapter made you think the most?




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Ecclesiastes 6: Healthy Soul (The Meaning of Life)

1. What are some of the things that keep us from living in the present?




2. What were your joyful moments from this past week?




3. Do you have any possessions that control you too much?




4. What do you like to do when you need soul restoration?




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Ecclesiastes 5: Commitment to Joy (The Meaning of Life)

1. Do you associate joy with a commitment to God? Why or why not?




2. When was the happiest time of your life so far? How much did you have?




3. Who taught you about what is important in life?




4. Why is our joy so important to God?




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