Luke 17:11-19 Thanksgiving & Faith (Questions of Jesus)


1. What do you think are the top three reasons why we neglect to say thanks?




2. What are your top five things for which you are thankful?




3. What positive things have happened in your life from your thankfulness?




4. How do you see faith and thankfulness relating?




5. What should you thank God for that you’ve never thanked Him for before?




Luke 12:51 Division Not Peace (Questions of Jesus)


1. When you came to Jesus who or what had to be cut out of your life?




2. What are some things you’ve lost because of your following Jesus?




3. What connections in your life have become stronger because of your connection to Jesus?




4. In what ways do Christians sometimes create unnecessary divisions in their lives?




5. How can you make necessary divisions without appearing to be legalistic and prideful?




John 5:44 Believe Him or Not (Questions of Jesus)


1. How do you think a group like the Pharisees could start with such good intentions, but become so hypocritical and loveless towards God?




2. What bad decisions have you made while trying to fit in or please others?




3. In what ways has following Jesus caused you live differently than others would expect?




4. What have been the results of living in a way that honors God and not men?




John 5:1-15 Do You Want to Get Well (Questions of Jesus)


1. Why do you suppose Jesus picked this one guy to heal, out of all the sick people hanging around?




2. How would you feel if you saw other people getting healed and you weren’t?




3. If Jesus were going to pick one aspect of your life and asked if you want to experience healing in that area, which area might He choose?




4. What excuses do you make for not working on that area?




5. What is an area of your life where you have clearly seen God do a special work in the past?




Matthew 11:1-19 Disappointed By Jesus (Questions of Jesus)


1. Have you ever felt like a disappointment to someone? Share about it.




2. Have you ever been disappointed by someone? Share about it.




3. Have you ever been disappointed by Jesus?




4. How have we tried to make Jesus’ Kingdom fancier than He did? Why?




5. What would Jesus say to the modern Christian church about our priorities?