Genesis 25-27: Jacob & Esau (Where It All Began)


1. What admirable traits do you see in Jacob in Genesis 25-27?




2. Where did Jacob still need some growth?




3. Why was Isaac so easily conned?




4. Why was Esau so easily conned?




5. What motivated Rebecca in this story?




6. In what areas of your life have you suffered because of choosing short term relief over long term wisdom?




Genesis 21-22: The Test (Where It All Began)


1. When was the last time you found yourself in a trial? What did you learn from the trial? Did anyone encourage you in the midst of your trial? Did that bring you encouragement?




2. Maybe you are in the middle of a trial right now. Would you be willing to share that with the group? Tell them how they can pray specifically for you.




3. Has there been a time in your life where you have really been blessed by God’s grace and forgiveness? Has there been a time in your life when another Christian has shown you the same grace and forgiveness?




4. How has your faith in the Lord changed your life? How has it changed the lives of those around you?




5. Is their any treasures in your life you are holding onto too tightly? What can you do to loosen your grip?




Genesis 12-19: Abraham & Lot Leadership & Influence (Where It All Began)


1. What qualities stand out for you in the people who have influenced you the most?




2. What do you think held Lot back the most?




3. How did Abraham respond to the grief he must have felt over Sodom? How does Abraham’s response differ from the typical exhortations we hear for activism?




4. What can you do to become more influential?




Genesis 12-17: Abrahamic Covenant (Where It All Began)


1. Why do you suppose God kept talking to Abraham about his future heritage?




2. If God told you that your life isn’t going to be anything special, but that your descendants a thousand years from now will be really successful, how would that make you feel?




3. Has God ever called you to make a big move in your life? Did you do it?




4. What are the most critical moments in your life so far?