Genesis 11:9 Tower of Babel (Where It All Began)


1. What is the biggest or most important team or project you have been a part of?




2. Why do you think that God had to step in and separate people?




3. In what areas of your life do you need more space?




4. What is something you have always wanted to try, but it was not practical or you have been too afraid to do?




5. What steps can you take to expand into new territory in your life?




Genesis 6-9: The Flood (Where It All Began)


1. When have you experienced the receiving end of violence?




2. Have you ever been baited into getting angry or violent in response to someone else’s anger or violence?




3. Why do you think an all-knowing God could be sorry that He made mankind?




4. Who in your life has shown you grace in the middle of ugliness?




5. What have you created and what are you currently creating?




Genesis 3: The Fall (Where It All Began)


1. Why do you think Eve ate the forbidden fruit? Why did Adam?




2. What memories do you have of being shamed by someone when you were growing up?




3. How does shame still influence your life? Who do you compare yourself with?




4. Do you still experience a tension between shame and the Gospel?




Genesis 1-2: Creation (Where It All Began)


1. Why do you think God created the world?




2. Who is the most creative person who inspires you? Why are they an inspiration?




3. How do you use creativity in your daily life?




4. Why did God give Adam the rule about not eating from the one tree?




Revelation 21-22: That You May Believe (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. What aspect of heaven appeals to you most?




2. Why do you think there are nations in heaven?




3. What do you need to re-create in your life?




4. In what ways can you make your life here and now more like heaven?