Revelation 20: Millennium (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Why will people still sin while Satan is bound?




2.  What would compel millions of people to side with Satan after 1000 years of peace?




3. What would torment most non-Christians for eternity?




4. When was your name written in the Book of Life?




Revelation 19: Marriage Supper of The Lamb (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Have you ever gone through something and asked God “How long?”




2.  What are some of the ways we could worship God and include more of the diverse aspects of His nature?




3. How easy is it for you to relate to the imagery of being the bride of Christ? (Note the differences for men and women.)




4. What kinds of good deeds can we do that will matter for eternity?




5. Why was it necessary to have such a gory description of the final battle?