Revelation 12: Battle of The Ages (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. What is the toughest battle you’ve found yourself in? How did it resolve, if it has already?




2. Why do you think the devil is so angry?




3. In what current struggle are you relying on Jesus for hope?




4. When were you ever using the tactics of Satan (anger, hatred, accusation, hopelessness) to try to bring about good?




Revelation 10-11: Two Sided Coin (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Have you ever had something that made you feel sick but it turned out to be a blessing?




2.  Why did God create people with the freedom of choice? What would the world be like without it?




3. What made people hate the two witnesses so much?




Revelation 8-9: Trumpets (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. In what ways do you tend to take God’s protection for granted?




2.  Why do people tend to blame God for things that go wrong but ignore all the blessings He gives?




3. Were there ever painful things in your life that brought you closer to God?




4. What causes people to refuse to acknowledge God?




Revelation 7: Tribulation Salvation (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Why do you think the Jews have been so hated and persecuted throughout history?




2.  If heaven is a place of great diversity, why do you think we have such a hard time dealing with differences here and now?




3. In what ways has God protected you in your life?




4. What painful experiences has God used in your life for your good?




Revelation 6: Six Seals (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Why do you think people blame God for the stuff people do?




2.  What are the main reasons why people fight wars?




3. Why do things usually have to get worse before they get better?




4. What makes people so often follow evil leaders?