Revelation 4-5: The Heavenly Scene (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. When are you most likely to be awe inspired?




2. In what ways has inspiration decreased in your life? What caused it?




3. In what ways have you been in awe of God? What brings that on?




4. What tends to crowd inspiration out of your life?




5. When in your life have you felt closest to heaven?




Revelation 3: Letters to The Churches (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. How often do you personally evaluate yourself, for the purpose of making changes?




2.  What role does God’s Word play in your daily life?




3. Has there ever been a time in your life when you lost your passion? What did you do to remedy that, and did it work?




4. If Jesus looked at your works (what you do) what do you think He might say?




Revelation 2: Letters to The Churches (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. If Jesus wrote a letter to our church, what positive points do you think He’d mention?




2.  If Jesus wrote a letter to our church, what warnings or reprimands do you think He might mention?




3. How has your personal love for Jesus changed over the years?




4. What changes is Jesus prompting you to make in your own life right now?




Revelation 1: (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. What stands out for you the most in Revelation 1?




2.  What has your experience been in studying the Book of Revelation in the past?




3. What do you hope to receive from studying Revelation?




4. Which of the descriptions of Jesus in chapter one is most surprising to you?