John 3: Born Again (The Gospel of John)


1. Who in your life has just seemed like God is really with them in a special way?




2. How did your life change when you decided to follow Jesus? Was it an immediate change or a gradual change?




3. When have you seen God work in a surprising and mysterious way?




4. What do people love about the darkness?




John 2: Getting to Know Jesus (The Gospel of John)


1. What do you find most odd about the story of Jesus changing water into wine?




2. Where do you experience the most joy in life?




3. When you were younger did you have anyone who helped you associate joy with being a Christian? How about people who did the opposite?




4. In what ways do you see the equivalent to money changers in Christianity today?




5. How was Jesus able to be vulnerable with people without totally trusting them?




John 1: The Word Became Flesh (The Gospel of John)


1. Why do you think the idea of Jesus being God is so hard for us to grasp?




2. In what sense does Jesus lighten every person in the world?




3. How did you come to Jesus personally?




4. What helps you feel personally closer to Jesus?




James 1:2-4 Know Pain Know Gain


1. What things test your patience the most?




2. How is your faith tested during trials?




3. In what ways have the trials you have been through shaped your character?




4. What trials are you going through right now?




Joshua 1:2-9 Fresh Start (Smarter Living)


1. What is it from your past that you need to let die?




2. What have you neglected to do because of fear?




3. What is your vision personally for 2017?




4. What role does the Bible play in your daily life?