Proverbs: The Cost of Adultery (Smarter Living)


1. Why do you think people regard sexual sin as so significant compared to other sins?




2. What do you think are the most serious consequences of adultery?




3. What are some things that you think married people could do to help prevent adultery?




4. What kinds of things do you think might help someone who has fallen into adultery?




Proverbs: Happiness (Smarter Living)


1. Are you happy right now? Really?




2. What is contributing to your present happiness or lack of happiness?




3. Who makes you happier when you are around them? Could you be around them more?




4. What could you do differently that could make you happier?




5. What is stealing your happiness?




Proverbs: Finances (Smarter Living)


1. How has debt affected your life?




2. Have you ever loaned money to someone, or helped them get a loan, and regretted it?




3. Do you tend to err more on the side of spending more than you should or spending less than you should?




4. What tools do you use to manage your finances?




5. What changes should you make in your financial life next year?




Proverbs: Government & Leadership (Smarter Living)


1. Who are the leaders who have most inspired you? What did you admire most about them?




2. What percentage of the people in our country would you say are happy? How does that compare to other countries you have visited?




3. What purposes do you think God has for giving us the leaders we’ve had?




4. How will you pray for our leaders?




5. What do you see as your primary responsibilities as citizens?