Proverbs: Fear (Smarter Living)


1. What are the top three things that you are afraid of?




2. Has fear ever kept you from doing something that you later regretted not doing?




3. Who is a courageous person that you admire?




4. What will you do this week that will be in spite of your fear?




Proverbs: Poverty (Smarter Living)


1. When thinking about poverty, what is the first image and/or experience that comes to mind?




2. Who are your true friends? Share a time when true friends were revealed.




3. How do you try to be a true friend? How could you improve as a friend?




4. Discuss how your group could help the poor. Think about a group activity that you could do to make a positive impact. (For example: signup to prepare/serve a meal to the homeless, have your small group signup to serve together at one of our Operation Christmas Child events, and/or maybe “adopt a needy family” to provide Christmas gifts, etc.) And then do it! :)




Proverbs: Choices Have Consequences (Smarter Living)


1. What is your favorite dog story?




2. What is your best experience with an animal?




3. What habits have you broken in the past and what habits should you probably work on breaking now?




4. How do you try to live in contentment?




5. When could you have sued someone but you are glad you didn’t?




Proverbs: Knowing I’m Right (Smarter Living)


1. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever believed?




2. What regrettable decisions have you made on the basis of believing you were right?




3. Why do you think most non-Christians you know reject Jesus? How would you respond to their objections?




Proverbs: Tough Times (Smarter Living)


1. What is the hardest time you’ve ever gone through in your life?




2. What helped you get through that hard time?




3. What kinds of things help you stay strong?




4. Share about a time when you eliminated a person or activity from your life and experienced almost immediate benefits.